So, Manning goes to Denver and they send Tebow to New York!?!?!? Maybe it's the female in me --but that just makes no sense--lol! Tebow will be a back-up quarterback and I don't understand why he went there--if anyone knows please explain it:)
I am also not sure why Manning picked Denver--was is money or what? Let me know out there what you know--lol!
Ok and the other big news---Sean Payton and the Saints--WOW! I am pleased and surprised--I was hoping they would all receive just consequences, but I never imagined they would actually do it! I guess I thought that they would just be fined. I mean, I am not saying I am glad they got punished--it's just that to make money off of hurting other players on purpose was just so despicable to me--I felt they needed to definitely have consequences that made them see that! It's so sad to me that you love to watch the great game of football and root for your team and have fun and behind the scenes they are doing this horrible stuff--I don't know, I guess I am naive, but it really is disappointing. So the thing is I want this behavior to stop and it seems like the consequences are fitting to the crime, so that hopefully no other teams start this or if there are others doing it also--they will stop now! That is what I meant by being 'pleased'!
Would love to hear your thoughts and comments--do you agree or disagree?
Be kind to one another:)
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