Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Giants' questionable behavior!!!????!

Hey all--
Read in the news about how the Giants' players knew about Williams' status of multiple concussions and still purposely tried to get him out of the game. Not only did they know about it-they openly admitted to doing it! Now --I know you have to take everything you read in the news with the grain of salt, but they are openly admitting it! Not only is that reprehensible but it is stupid. These are role models for many young people and they don't seem to care. Our world today has been so desensitized to what's wrong and right-that people are thinking that there is not anything wrong with this behavior! I know it won't matter to the Giants' whatsoever if I root for them or not-but as a matter of principle-there is no way I can root for them now!--I wonder how true Giants' fans are looking at this? I need to talk to my niece and see what she thinks, but anyone else with such information would be welcome:)I am really curious how the public is looking at this! Let me hear any and all opinions-maybe I am off base?-maybe you can point out something I've missed--maybe you agree . . .

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